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Dunedin Income Growth Investment Trust PLC


  • latest filed accounts (original document), financial statement with balance sheet, assets, etc... (year ending Apr 18, 2013)
  • shareholder details and share percentages
  • complete list of titles of filed documents
  • full registry information with list of directors and secretaries, addresses and available company phone numbers
  • related company news
  • information about these directors and secretaries in other companies



Company type Public Limited Company
Company Number SC000881
Global Intermediary ID CJ1DH9.99999.SL.826
Record last updated Friday, October 21, 2022 12:47:55 AM UTC
Postal Code EH2 2LL



DUNEDIN INCOME GROWTH INVESTMENT TRUST PLC (United Kingdom)Page visits ©2025 https://en.datocapital.com2013-122020-12022-122023-112024-12024-42024-52024-62024-72024-82024-92024-102024-112025-101234


Document Type Publication date Download link
Registry Jul 1, 2021 Appointment of a woman Appointment of a woman
Registry Jun 10, 2021 Resignation of one Director (a woman) Resignation of one Director (a woman)
Registry Jul 16, 2020 Resignation of one Director (a man) Resignation of one Director (a man)
Registry Feb 1, 2020 Appointment of a woman Appointment of a woman
Registry May 24, 2018 Resignation of one Director (a man) Resignation of one Director (a man)
Registry Apr 1, 2018 Appointment of a man as Company Director and Director Appointment of a man as Company Director and Director
Registry Feb 1, 2016 Two appointments: 2 men Two appointments: 2 men
Registry May 30, 2013 Authorised allotment of shares and debentures Authorised allotment of shares and debentures
Registry May 17, 2013 Annual return Annual return
Registry May 17, 2013 Change of location of company records to the registered office Change of location of company records to the registered office
Registry May 13, 2013 Notice of sale or transfer of treasury shares for a public limited company Notice of sale or transfer of treasury shares for a public limited company
Registry May 8, 2013 Notice of sale or transfer of treasury shares for a public limited company 14000... Notice of sale or transfer of treasury shares for a public limited company 14000...
Financials Apr 18, 2013 Annual accounts Annual accounts
Registry Mar 5, 2013 Statement of companies objects Statement of companies objects
Registry May 29, 2012 Authorised allotment of shares and debentures Authorised allotment of shares and debentures
Registry May 24, 2012 Resignation of one Director Resignation of one Director
Registry May 23, 2012 Resignation of one Company Director and one Director (a man) Resignation of one Company Director and one Director (a man)
Registry May 15, 2012 Annual return Annual return
Registry May 15, 2012 Change of particulars for corporate secretary Change of particulars for corporate secretary
Financials Apr 24, 2012 Annual accounts Annual accounts
Registry Feb 1, 2012 Appointment of a woman as Director Appointment of a woman as Director
Registry Jan 24, 2012 Appointment of a woman Appointment of a woman
Registry May 26, 2011 Authorised allotment of shares and debentures Authorised allotment of shares and debentures
Registry May 26, 2011 Resignation of one Director Resignation of one Director
Registry May 23, 2011 Resignation of a woman Resignation of a woman
Registry May 18, 2011 Annual return Annual return
Financials Apr 26, 2011 Annual accounts Annual accounts
Registry Feb 3, 2011 Appointment of a man as Director Appointment of a man as Director
Registry Feb 1, 2011 Appointment of a woman Appointment of a woman
Financials Sep 24, 2010 Annual accounts Annual accounts
Registry May 27, 2010 Annual return Annual return
Registry May 21, 2010 Authorised allotment of shares and debentures Authorised allotment of shares and debentures
Financials May 11, 2010 Annual accounts Annual accounts
Registry Oct 4, 2009 Change of particulars for director Change of particulars for director
Registry Oct 4, 2009 Change of particulars for director 14000... Change of particulars for director 14000...
Registry Oct 4, 2009 Change of particulars for director Change of particulars for director
Registry Oct 4, 2009 Change of particulars for director 14000... Change of particulars for director 14000...
Registry Oct 4, 2009 Change of particulars for director Change of particulars for director
Registry Oct 4, 2009 Notification of single alternative inspection location Notification of single alternative inspection location
Registry Oct 4, 2009 Change of location of company records to the single alternative inspection location Change of location of company records to the single alternative inspection location
Registry Oct 2, 2009 Memorandum of association Memorandum of association
Financials Sep 28, 2009 Annual accounts Annual accounts
Registry Jun 4, 2009 Annual return Annual return
Registry Jun 4, 2009 Notice of place where a register of holders of debentures or a duplicate is kept or of any change in that place Notice of place where a register of holders of debentures or a duplicate is kept or of any change in that place
Registry Jun 4, 2009 Notice of change of directors or secretaries or in their particulars Notice of change of directors or secretaries or in their particulars
Financials May 22, 2009 Annual accounts Annual accounts
Registry May 22, 2009 Authorised allotment of shares and debentures Authorised allotment of shares and debentures
Registry Apr 6, 2009 Register of members in non-legible form Register of members in non-legible form
Registry Jan 23, 2009 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury
Registry Jan 23, 2009 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000... Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000...
Registry Jan 23, 2009 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury
Registry Dec 24, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000... Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000...
Registry Dec 16, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury
Registry Dec 9, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000... Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000...
Registry Oct 31, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury
Registry Oct 31, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000... Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000...
Registry Sep 18, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury
Registry Sep 18, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000... Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000...
Registry Sep 18, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury
Registry Jul 29, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000... Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000...
Registry Jul 29, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury
Registry Jul 15, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000... Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000...
Registry Jul 10, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury
Registry Jul 10, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000... Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000...
Registry Jul 10, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury
Registry Jul 10, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000... Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000...
Registry Jul 10, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury
Registry Jul 10, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000... Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000...
Registry Jul 2, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury
Registry Jul 2, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000... Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000...
Registry Jun 18, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury
Registry Jun 16, 2008 Annual return Annual return
Financials Jun 12, 2008 Annual accounts Annual accounts
Registry Jun 3, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury
Registry May 28, 2008 Memorandum of association Memorandum of association
Registry May 21, 2008 Return by a public company cancelling or selling shares from treasury Return by a public company cancelling or selling shares from treasury
Registry May 21, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury
Registry May 21, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000... Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000...
Registry May 21, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury
Registry May 13, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000... Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000...
Registry Apr 16, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury
Registry Apr 16, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000... Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000...
Registry Apr 10, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury
Registry Apr 3, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000... Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000...
Registry Mar 17, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury
Registry Mar 14, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000... Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000...
Registry Mar 4, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury
Registry Mar 4, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000... Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000...
Registry Feb 8, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury
Registry Feb 8, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000... Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000...
Registry Feb 8, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury
Registry Feb 8, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000... Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000...
Registry Jan 24, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury
Registry Jan 24, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000... Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000...
Registry Jan 24, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury
Registry Jan 24, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000... Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury 14000...
Registry Jan 24, 2008 Change in situation or address of registered office Change in situation or address of registered office
Registry Jan 18, 2008 Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury Return by a public company purchasing its own shares for holding in treasury
Registry Jan 14, 2008 Return by a company purchasing its own shares Return by a company purchasing its own shares
Registry Jan 10, 2008 Return by a company purchasing its own shares 14000... Return by a company purchasing its own shares 14000...

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