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Eis International Operations


  • latest filed accounts (original document), financial statement with balance sheet, assets, etc... (year ending Jun 24, 1997)
  • original incorporation documents
  • complete list of titles of filed documents
  • full registry information with list of directors and secretaries, addresses and available company phone numbers
  • related company news
  • information about these directors and secretaries in other companies



Company type Other Company Type, Active
Company Number FC018083
Record last updated Tuesday, October 22, 2013 12:41:24 PM UTC
Official Address 17 Floor Bnz Tower Queen Street Aukland
Region Wiltshire, England



EIS INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS LIMITED (United Kingdom)Page visits ©2025 https://en.datocapital.com2020-12021-92021-112022-122024-62024-82025-12025-22025-30123


EIS INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS LIMITED (United Kingdom)Searches ©2025 https://en.datocapital.com2023-62025-3012


Document Type Publication date Download link
Registry Aug 9, 2002 Miscellaneous document Miscellaneous document
Registry Jul 4, 1997 Return of change of person authorised to accept service or to represent the branch of an oversea company or of any change in their particulars Return of change of person authorised to accept service or to represent the branch of an oversea company or of any change in their particulars
Registry Jul 4, 1997 Return of change of person authorised to accept service or to represent the branch of an oversea company or of any change in their particulars 3018... Return of change of person authorised to accept service or to represent the branch of an oversea company or of any change in their particulars 3018...
Financials Jun 24, 1997 Annual accounts Annual accounts
Financials Jun 24, 1997 Annual accounts 3018... Annual accounts 3018...
Financials Jun 24, 1997 Annual accounts Annual accounts
Registry Apr 15, 1997 Return of change of person authorised to accept service or to represent the branch of an oversea company or of any change in their particulars Return of change of person authorised to accept service or to represent the branch of an oversea company or of any change in their particulars
Registry Apr 15, 1997 Return of change of person authorised to accept service or to represent the branch of an oversea company or of any change in their particulars 3018... Return of change of person authorised to accept service or to represent the branch of an oversea company or of any change in their particulars 3018...
Registry Apr 15, 1997 Return of change of person authorised to accept service or to represent the branch of an oversea company or of any change in their particulars Return of change of person authorised to accept service or to represent the branch of an oversea company or of any change in their particulars
Registry Apr 15, 1997 Return of change of person authorised to accept service or to represent the branch of an oversea company or of any change in their particulars 3018... Return of change of person authorised to accept service or to represent the branch of an oversea company or of any change in their particulars 3018...
Registry Jul 26, 1994 Three appointments: 3 men Three appointments: 3 men
Registry Jul 26, 1994 Br005906 par appointed Br005906 par appointed
Registry Jul 26, 1994 Br005906 registered Br005906 registered

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